The plan to create a digital publication about Nepal’s development was born years ago. However, evolving from a dream to this first tangible effort, which shows the idea’s potential, took time. The ingredients were simple enough. Mix a cup of modern publishing savvy with a spoonful of local journalism, blend in a shot of global storytelling talent, and get a high-quality special interest medium spiced with taste and wits.

The practical realisation, however, required much more energy and effort than foreseen. Launching the portal, albeit incomplete and still ‘under construction’, required patience, perseverance, and adaptation as time passed.
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We experimented, testing the best possible practices by making mistakes. We learned a lot on the way. It’s not so easy to match imported methodology with local customs. The language is a ‘thing’. Bridges must be crossed. But with enough stamina, we came a long way—and we realise progress is still to be made.
We laid the foundations for a reliable and creative editorial team. It’s not complete yet, but we tracked young, ambitious writers and researchers willing to join what was, and still is, a daring publishing enterprise in its earliest stages.
We found staff willing to take risks and invest time and energy into this venture. With some help, the KTM desk has produced, written, illustrated, designed, and uploaded the content to this ‘ezine’ – and it will keep uploading great content on the portal daily. We found a nice office space in a modern environment where our local crew can work comfortably. Finally, we’ve drafted and crafted a portal design that meets international standards for online information, communication, and interaction.
All this has been achieved without many financial resources and carried by loads of enthusiasm and support. Having come this far, we trust that our readers and users will recognise the beauty of what is being developed.
Nepal Support Groups worldwide will like the chance to showcase what they do to a much bigger audience than they reach now. Local chapters of the NRNA may appreciate regular updates on current affairs at home and getting a voice to speak to the home front. Experienced and novice travellers shall appreciate well-researched travel reportages uncovering hidden gems and objective advice regarding sustainable travel destinations.
Keen to join us?
See the available vacancies on the portal.